Apple Watch Serial P1 Homescreen

Table of Contents


I have a long holiday with my family in my hometown. So it’s a beautiful life. Today, we begin to code a home screen. In this post, We will learn to use basic SwiftUI to build UIs for apple watch application. Here are some keys you will get through this topic:

  • Create a new watchOS target inside of our existing iOS project.

  • Understand the WatchKit App.

  • What’s SwiftUI, and how is it different than UIKit?

  • The fundamental component in SwiftUI: Views, Image, NavigationView, ect.

  • Working with stacks, such as the VStack, HStack and ZStack.

This article is part of my Apple Watch by SwiftUI series.

Previously : Let’s Idea, How to Design Travel App (12Bay) on WatchOS?

Let’s do it.

Create 12Bay WatchOS App

To create a watchOS App target to an existing iOS project we need to select: File -> New -> Target and select Watch App for iOS App under watchOS tab.

When the target is created, we get two new folders named <ProductName> and <ProductName> Extension.

  • The <ProductName> folder : Where our watchOS app’s storyboard(s) and the assets used by the storyboard(s) are stored.
  • The <ProductName> Extension folder: This the area to store the code files.


Now that we have our iOS and Watch app “working”, let’s enable communication between them.

Understand the WatchKit App and WatchKit Extension

Regardless of whether you add a watchOS app to an existing project or create a new project that contains both an iOS and watchOS app, Xcode automatically configures the targets for your watchOS app and adds the needed files, as image bellow:


  • WatchKit App

​ An app bundle that contains your watchOS app’s storyboard and any assets used by the storyboard.

  • WatchKit Extension

​ An extension that contains your watchOS app’s code.

Xcode sets the bundle IDs for both of the watch targets based on the container’s ID. For a watch-only app, this ID is the bundle ID for the root target. For a watchOS app with an iOS app, this ID is the iOS app’s bundle ID. The root of the WatchKit app and WatchKit extension’s bundle IDs must match the container’s bundle ID. If you change your iOS app’s bundle ID, you must update the other bundle IDs accordingly. When developing your watchOS app, edit your app’s storyboard in the WatchKit app, and write your app’s code in the WatchKit extension. Your WatchKit extension connects to controls and views in the storyboard using WKInterfaceObject subclasses such as WKInterfaceButton and WKInterfaceLabel. These interface objects act as proxies for your storyboard elements. Use the interface elements to configure the elements in code.

Watch Connectivity

One more things, the goal is to send the result from the iOS app and present it in the watch app.

Watch Connectivity Implement two-way communication between an iOS app and its paired watchOS app.

Use this framework to transfer data between your iOS app and the WatchKit extension of a paired watchOS app. You can pass small amounts of data or entire files. You also use this framework to trigger an update to your watchOS app’s complication.


Let’s start to code homescreen

Here is homescreen design, There are three main function to show:

  • Show the recent booking

  • View all booking

  • View all notification


First one, Let’s to learn some basic view

Rip constraints


SwiftUI doesn’t use layout constraints. UIKit is still around, it’s not deprecated and fully functional, so if you continue to use the classic approach, you can use as many constraints as you wish.

However, if you choose to go with SwiftUI → rest in peace, constraints!


SwiftUI layout system is different from UIKit. It asks each child view to calculate its own size based on the bounds of its parent view. Next, asks each parent to position its children within its own bounds. More detail you can find here: how layout work in swiftUI - hackingwithswift

UIKit equivalent in SwiftUI

Integrate SwiftUI views into existing apps, and embed UIKit views and controllers into SwiftUI view hierarchies.

UIKit SwiftUI Note
UIView (UIHostingController) View There is no direct convert to UIView, but you can use container view to add view from UIViewController into view hierarchy
UIViewController (UIHostingController) View

Views and Controls

UIKit SwiftUI Note
UILabel Text, Label
UITabBar TabView
UITabBarItem TabView .tabItem under TabView
UITextField TextField For password (isSecureTextEntry) use SecureField
UITextView TextEditor iOS 14
UITableView List also VStack and Form
UINavigationBar NavigationView Part of NavigationView
UINavigationItem ToolbarItem iOS 14
UIBarButtonItem NavigationView .navigationBarItems in NavigationView
UICollectionView LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid iOS 14
UIStackView HStack, LazyHStack .axis == .Horizontal
UIStackView VStack, LazyVStack .axis == .Vertical
UIScrollView ScrollView
UIActivityIndicatorView ProgressView with CircularProgressViewStyle iOS 14
UIImageView Image
UIPickerView Picker
UIButton Button, Link
UIDatePicker DatePicker
UIPageControl iOS 14. Auto add to TabView with PageTabViewStyle style. You can control its appearance by .indexViewStyle.
UIProgressView ProgressView iOS 14
UISegmentedControl Picker A style (SegmentedPickerStyle) of Picker
UISlider Slider
UIStepper Stepper
UISwitch Toggle
UIToolBar NavigationView with .toolbar iOS 14
MKMapView Map import MKMapView to use this view


We will learn about some main controls in the following articles. So let to focus to code homescreen.


First one, we will create homeItemView and after that create full screen HomeView


Home Screen


Create HomeItemView file by click File -> NewFile -> File -> SwiftUI View. Xcode automatically inserts a preview structure at the bottom of the file that you can configure. So, we have two elements: View and PreviewProvider.

  • <StructName> : View: We will code here. This is a area to create custom views by declaring types that conform to the View protocol. Implement the required body computed property to provide the content for your custom view.

  • <StructName> :PreviewProvider: A type that produces view previews in Xcode.

struct HomeItemViewModel {
    let title:String
    let icon:String

struct HomeItemView: View {
    var item:HomeItemViewModel

    var body: some View {
        VStack.init(alignment: .center, spacing: 4.0) {
            ZStack.init(alignment: .topTrailing) {
                ZStack.init(alignment: .center) {
                        .resizable() // it will sized so that it fills all the available space
                        .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
                        .padding(.all, 12.0)
                Circle().foregroundColor(Color.init(hex: 0x93C866))
                    .frame(width: 8.0, height: 8.0)
                    .padding(.trailing, 3.0)
                    .padding(.top, 3.0)
            .frame(width: 40.0, height: 40.0)

                .font(.system(size: 12.0))

struct HomeItemView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static let devices:[String] = ["Apple Watch Series 6 - 44mm", "Apple Watch SE - 40mm"]

    static var previews: some View {
        ForEach(HomeView_Previews.devices, id: .self) { devicesName in
            HomeItemView(item: .init(title: "All Bookings", icon: "notification"))
                .previewDevice(PreviewDevice(rawValue: devicesName))


  • Stack: The core concept to align views with each other is using stacks:

    • HStack: A vertical stack, which shows views in a top-to-bottom list
    • VStack: A horizontal stack, which shows views in a left-to-right list
    • ZStack: If you want to overlay views (i.e. put one view on top of another), you can use this view.

    One more things, Spacer A flexible space that expands along the major axis of its containing stack layout, or on both axes if not contained in a stack. SwiftUI’s Spacer views automatically fill up all available space on their axis of expansion.

    We will learn more about it in the next posts. Fig below ilustration about this.

(SwiftUI layout examples with Stack Views - source:

(Stack layout - source:

  • Multiple previews: The first time I found SwiftUI interesting was when I able to previews multiple devices on the same time. Because we build an applewatch app, so I choose two devices: “Apple Watch Series 6 - 44mm”, “Apple Watch SE - 40mm”. You can find device name by this code bellow and run it on terminal.

    xcrun simctl list devicetypes

    Well, That’s it. We finished to create reuse homeItem view. Easy right! Next, let to create full home screen now.


import SwiftUI

struct HomeView: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 10.0) {
                Text("Support 24/7")
                Button.init(role: .none, action: {

                }, label: {
                    Text("1900 2642")
                .background(Color.init(hex: 0xE49E26))
                HStack.init(alignment: .center, spacing: 8.0) {
                    HomeItemView(item: .init(title: "All Bookings", icon: "calendar"))
                    HomeItemView(item: .init(title: "Notifications", icon: "notification"))

struct HomeView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static let devices:[String] = ["Apple Watch Series 6 - 44mm", "Apple Watch SE - 40mm"]

    static var previews: some View {
        ForEach(HomeView_Previews.devices, id: .self) { devicesName in
                .previewDevice(PreviewDevice(rawValue: devicesName))
  • NavigationView is one of the most important components of a SwiftUI app, allowing us to push and pop screens with ease, presenting information in a clear, hierarchical way for users.


Home Screen

Now, You can click to run from XCode and an interesting screen will appear.


With SwiftUI, building an independent watch app has never become so much simple and fast. We’re able to apply our learning to create unique app experiences across Apple platform. In the next part I will go over establishing watch connectivity to send data back and forth between your iPhone and watch to update the UI and furthermore, we build another main screen, such as notifications or orders. So Happy coding ^^

And, I think that

Practice is the best way to learn anything. “Learn By Doing, Practicing and Not Just Reading”

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